Saturday, October 08, 2005

Comming Soon...

I have set up this blog as a branch from my other,, however, this blog shall be souly about the bees which will be kept in a Top Bar HIve(TBH). While the TBH is currently under construction there will be no bees in it untill about mid February. I'll keep posting about it's progress in construction but, don't expect any bees until about February 2006. 'til then...


Blogger Cardboard Knight said...

dude! Naother double m on the title! YOU ARE DISGUSTING!

2:16 PM  
Blogger topbarhive said...

Way to go...

I've kept bees in a TBH several years past... (no bees for a few years) They did fine, until the neighborhood bear got my three hives (1 TBH, 2 Langstroms). I was doing so well... OH WELL. This year maybe (or next 2009) I'll start up again, using the KTBHs, I have three made up from old barn boards. Just waiting for the OK to spend some money for packages...or finding a swarm or two. Thanks for a great BLOG and nice pictures of the insides of the KTBHs.
Topbarhive... My blog is "Topbarhive says..."

9:25 AM  

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